Room 16 is comprised of new entrant students who are 5 years old. They wish to share their learning with you.

Thursday 27 January 2022

2021 - What a year!

 2021 was a bit of a "start- stop" year for the children in room 13 and 15.  They no sooner started school in Term 3 than New Zealand went into lockdown and school was closed.  It was a long lockdown and we only came back to school for three weeks at the end of term 4.  Our record of our time at school this year has a big gap in the middle but we managed to pack a lot of fun activities into the short time we did spend at school.  Here are some of the things we did.

Sunday 16 January 2022

Making Ice Cream

In Room 13 and 15 everyone loves ice cream!  On a Friday Fun Day we had an "ice cream" day.  We talked about our favourite ice cream flavour and made a graph of how many of us liked a particular flavour.  We painted our favourite ice using shaving cream mixed in the paint to give it texture.  We wrote about how to make ice cream.  After all this activity around ice cream of course we had to make and eat some.  Here is a video kindly shared by Mrs Shirley of our all our activities on our fun day. 

Sunday 9 January 2022

Prize Giving Movie

 Mrs Lal made a movie of our prize giving and has shared it for team one to enjoy.  Thank you Mrs Lal.