Room 16 is comprised of new entrant students who are 5 years old. They wish to share their learning with you.

Tuesday 2 November 2021

A Book Written and Illustrated By AJ

 AJ has written and illustrated a book about his family.  He has thought about what each member of his family likes to do, drawn a picture then written his sentence.  You have done so much work AJ and made a lovely book.


  1. Hi AJ, that is a Fabulous Book written, illustrated and read by you, WOW!! beautiful work. Thanks for sharing your family book with us and great that you included your cat as well.
    From Mrs Forbes

  2. Hi AJ, Congratulations on getting the Duffy Certificate for your Great work with your Book of your family. You totally deserve it for all that Beautiful work. You can say you are an author now!!
    From Mrs Forbes

  3. thank Mrs Forbes! It was a lovely surprise for Aj to get that certificate but very grateful for it. He did list all his family members and each one was correct. I did hear him telling his sister what each of us did. I was laughing at myself watching movies. Better then saying watching tv for some reason haha Have a great day.

    Aj and Mel
