Room 16 is comprised of new entrant students who are 5 years old. They wish to share their learning with you.

Monday 9 May 2016

Touching The Clouds

Last week we had a foggy start to the day which provided us with a great motivation for our writing.

"I saw funny clouds.  They looked beautiful.  I liked them because they looked soft and fluffy and white.  They were so close I could touch them.  They were wet and cold."  By Charlotte

"The sun touched the clouds and made it all foggy." By Tevita

"The fog was all around.  It covered the slide and made it wet." By Hinemoa

Jin thought the fog "was like when you are cooking and there is a lot of steam."

Tumanako said he felt "the low cloud made things disappear.  When you are running around you feel as if you are touching the sky."

1 comment:

  1. what wonderful descriptions of such a dreary day. Tau ke!!
