Room 16 is comprised of new entrant students who are 5 years old. They wish to share their learning with you.

Tuesday 10 September 2019

Utukura's Good Day

Utukura had a good day last Friday.  He was a Duffy Certificate winner as well as a lunch box hero.  Utukura has been trying hard to improve his reading and writing.  He practises each night at home often bringing his writing to school to show others so he was this weeks Duffy award winner.  He also knows how healthy eating helps with his learning and brings a healthy lunch each day. He choose a bunch of bananas from the lunch box cupboard and enjoyed some of the bananas as a snack!


  1. Wow ! Little Utukura is growing so much !

    It's nice to see he enjoys his learning with reading and writing, and it's great to see he eats a healthy lunch!

    I wonder if he loved his book? It looks great!

    Your doing so well Kura! Keep it up champ!

    - Chance

  2. hi utukura great job on getting a certificate and being a winner from the luch box heros. i hope you have a good day.

  3. Hi, Utukura my name's Amira and i;m a year 7 student at pt england school. It's so cool that you got a certificate and a lunch box hero's award. I love the fact that you love to read and write at home. Maybe next time add more text to read and spread it out a bit more but that's up to you. Keep up the good work Utukura
