Room 16 is comprised of new entrant students who are 5 years old. They wish to share their learning with you.

Thursday 9 June 2022

 Room 16 has been learning about directions and programming Bee Bots.  We have had a lot of fun and arrived at some unexpected destinations along the way!  We had to think hard about how to solve the problems and as Maia says at the end of our movie giving directions "is not as easy as you think". 


  1. Malo lele i love what you guys have done Good Job Room 16

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    1. Talofa lava room 16 good work for making the movie i new someone from there she's my cousin by the way good job

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  4. Minglabar Room 16 this is Khaing Shwe I liked about that when Maia said that when you code the bee bots it is very hard and it is hard Good Job Room 16!
    Khaing Shwe.

  5. Hello room 16 I love your movie. I like the part when you did the paper gird.

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  7. Thaliswoba Room 16 I loved your movie, I loved how u guys used the B-Bot it was very cool because you guys are learning how to give directions and learning about bee's. I loved how they had lots of fun doing it. coding is very hard so i loved how they tried. Amazing Job Room 16

    From NuNu.

  8. Hi Rm 16 my name is maria I love the bots it was so cool I hope we see more Good Job Rm 16

  9. Bonjour room 16, you guys have done a great job with this video. I loved the Bee Bot and how it works. I hope you had fun while learning about Bees and directions! It was amazing seeing you guys on PENN, keep up the good work.

  10. Hello room 16
    I love what you have done you are so brave to speak in front of the camre. I look at your blog because i know everyone of you guys in room 16. love you guys an you teacher an I would love to see more movies of you guys

  11. Talofa lava room 16, I love your work and the movie, it was so cool and we love what you guys did, And my cousin's and I, like/love watching your video. Good job room 16.

  12. Kia Ora room 16 it was very cool how you guys are learning about directions and the bee bot looks so cool to use when you are learning about directions, Well done!

  13. Kia Orana Room 16 your movie is so cool and I also know someone from this movie because she is my next door neighbour. I love this movie and well done!

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  15. kia ora Rm 16 l like the way you was brave in front of the movie good job

  16. Room 16 - you are so clever! I loved seeing how you planned your routes and programmed the Beebot. I need to visit you and learn how to do this myself!
    Mrs Burt

  17. How cool! You are all amazing and thank-you for sharing your learning. I learnt alot about using coding and Beebots. My new entrants class would love this learning experience - I will have to share it with them!
