Room 16 is comprised of new entrant students who are 5 years old. They wish to share their learning with you.

Friday 8 April 2016

A Huge Brazilian Flag

Room 16 had their photo taken with Flaminio, our gymnastic coach, as he showed us a huge flag from his country.  Flamini explained that his country had a lot of green rainforest so part of the flag was green.  Brazil has a lot of gold so another part was gold coloured.  On the blue part were stars.  One was on its own for the president and the others were the stars in the southern sky.  When we looked closer we saw some stars that looked like they were from our flag.  It was the Southern Cross!

Brazil is hosting the next Olympic Games so we will learn more about this big country later on this year.

Thank you Flaminio for telling us something about your country.
Room 16 learn facts about Brazil from Flaminio.

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