Room 16 is comprised of new entrant students who are 5 years old. They wish to share their learning with you.

Saturday 9 October 2021

Leylah Can Tie Her Shoelaces

 Leylah has learnt to tie her own shoelaces.  What a good skill you have learnt Leylah.  It is exciting when you do things for yourself and you can also teach others.  You don't have to wait for an adult to help you now you can do it for yourself.  Did you learn the rhyme about the "bunny ears" (the loops of the laces) to help you?  Leylah is also continuing to keep fit and to do craft activities.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Leylah, WOW!! great work learning to do your own shoelaces you are a star. That will be a help to your family, when you are back at school and life is busier. You have done beautiful colouring in too.
    From Mrs Forbes
