Room 16 is comprised of new entrant students who are 5 years old. They wish to share their learning with you.

Thursday 25 November 2021

Fun At School

 We have been having so much fun at school - blowing bubbles, having picnics outside, playing in the sand, and finally getting to play on the playground.  School is cool!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Room 13 and 15, WOW! what a great movie it's so cool to see everyone having so much FUN blowing bubbles, having egg and spoon races and at the play ground. Keep up all the fun learning. :)
    From Mrs Forbes

  3. ok now i know why Aj couldnt wait to go back to school the next day! he was just having to much fun with his friends. Its pretty cool that your the only boy there in your class. you can be the big brother to all your sisters in class. Have a wonderful day everyone. Enjoy your time with your friends and your teachers.

    from Ajs Mum.

  4. Hello Room 13 and 15, it’s so lovely to see you all smiling and having so MUCH FUN at school. You guys so deserve it after all the hard work and the home learning you have all done. Leylah can’t wait to see you all hopefully tomorrow and have some more FUN together. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful movie with us and for putting a smile on my face🙂 see you again bye..

    From Leylah and her mum.
