Room 16 is comprised of new entrant students who are 5 years old. They wish to share their learning with you.

Saturday 27 July 2019

Team Assembly Awards for Week 1 Term 3

Two boys, Filipo and Darren, had birthdays this week and turned 6.  They went and did some great reading with Mrs Wilson and so they both got a Team One Certificate this week.
Filipo's certificate from Mrs Wilson
Filipo and Darren with their birthday certificates

Filipo and Darren received their certificates at Team Assembly
Darren with his certificate  from Mrs Wilson

1 comment:

  1. Hey room 16!. My name is Leiite and I go to your school. Happy late birthday Filipo and Darren hope you two had a good week. Keep up all the good work room 16!.

    From Leiite
